Monday, July 6, 2009

Who needs a car seat?

We've noticed that the locals don't use car seats, and have seen three month old babies sitting on their parents lap in the driver's seat bouncing down the dirt roads.

But, the view tonight from our palapa tops it all...I was up there and happened to look down as a lady was driving down the main road with her breasts hanging out and breast feeding her baby. I'm not sure what to even call that....talented, stupidity, or desperate to stop a crying baby? Who knows, but that's life in San Pancho!

1 comment:

  1. Oh sista! Wait till you have a hungry little tortilla! First, modesty will be LONG gone and you will learn you can do absoultely everything with a little monkey attached! Then some young thing with still tender breasts will look on with amazement at all you manage to accomplish!
