Saturday, October 9, 2010

No more least not for today

Exercise, diet, nutrition, moderation, "the scale is at least three pounds off today", lose weight, "I shouldn't have had that second vodka/tonic", the list goes on and on...and these are all things that have been running wild in my head lately as I face putting on my bikini to hit the beach.

Everybody knows that Mexico in the summertime is not the most desirable place. With the heat index reaching over 100'F every day the only thing you want to do is put on your bathing suit and find a cool body of water--or even a high-powered fan for that matter. So, even thinking about going for a run or working out in this heat makes me want to vomit. But the reality is I need to--exercise that is, not vomit.

I was working out five days a week up until July when it got really hot. Then I started to find excuses and was finding myself only working out once or twice a week for the next two months. They say you loose muscle within two weeks of not using it--and they're right. It's not fair, but it's reality.

So, I just got back from a months stay in Idaho and instantly felt the pressure to start exercising five days a week again. With a gym on every corner and people running or biking on the streets you feel the need to get in shape and stay healthy--it's like a competition. So I ran to Target, bought the hardest looking workout video and the latest Women's Health and Shape magazines and then stashed them into my suitcase and said I'd start back up when I returned to San Pancho.

Well, I got back three weeks ago and have just now pulled out that workout tape and those magazines. But you know what, a little vacation was just what I needed.

I've realized that making excuses like blaming it on the miserable Mexico heat or not having a gym isn't going to help my cause to stay fit and eat healthy. It's something I have to do on my own and taking a break both physically and mentally for a while is OK. Yes, I might not look like Heidi Klum in my bikini but at least I'm staying motivated and thinking about my next workout and how much fun it's going to be to sweat it out and feel great afterwards.

If you're looking for some websites to help keep you motivated check out Athleta Chi and Women's Health. They are my saving grace while living here in San Pancho.

1 comment:

  1.'re hitting close to home sista! It's just what I needed to hear. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
